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This site is designed for people to explore the work of Cheshire artist Marko and to find inspiration from his unique style and subject matter. Marko has been selling his work in this country for many years and now wants to take his work to a global audience. This will also give other artists the chance to have a voice and be able to share some of their work.


This is the time to shine!


Art comes from deep within us all, it's an expression of our very being giving us a voice, a chance to create and release our inner beauty. Marko throws every emotion into his work and literally paints every piece with passion from life and his art. The subject matter varies, yet the freedom of expression is unsurpassed.


All paintings start with an acrylic base and each piece completes in oils. Marko uses a lot of oil paint to give the paintings a texture that makes them unique. Strong colours, brush and knife work give the art an edge.


Please feel free to ask questions.

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